Old World Kennels
Cane Corso & Rottweiler
Curators of the past - breeding the best of the present to preserve the future.

Old World Kennels Bucatini, call name Buca: ICCF#2202420 DOB 3/31/2021: OFA Prelims of hips Good, Elbows, Cardiac, Thyroid Normal. OFA Eyes Normal. DSRA negative. Degenerative Myelopathy DNA test - Clear (2 copies of normal allele). Buca is the son of Tito and Diavola. The entire litter was an amazing accomplishment for my breeding program. Tight skin, tight jowls, expressionless eyes were consistent throughout the litter. Buca is panther like in his looks and movement. His black fur glistens in the sun as he runs around our farm. His sinuous musculature and deep chest make him an imposing and impressive dog to behold. He is also the epitome of what a Corso should be in temperament as well. Aloof with strangers, once he realizes the family welcomes them, he too is welcoming. Wise beyond his years, Buca is an old soul that is wonderful to live with.

Cirruzzo I Molossi Del Petrullo: ENCI: ROI 22/73124, ICCF 2307119: DOB: 02/20/22: Degenerative Myelopathy DNA test - Clear (2 copies of normal allele). We imported Cirro from Puglia Italy late in 2022. His breeder, Alessandro Todaro has been essential in helping me direct my breeding towards Cane Corso Tradizionale. Cirro is Nero Tigrato in colour. Which literally translates to black tiger or black brindle. Cirro is a character to say the least. He is beautiful and he knows it - arrogant, agile and athletic. As a new Canadian he loves the snow and literally can be seen leaping and diving into it. Cirro is always happy to see us and aloof with strangers as expected. We are excited to see what he will contribute to our breeding program.